Galveston Homeschool Performing Arts Co-op

Join Us

You'll be glad you did!

Getting Started

  1. View our fees for a detailed explanation of our program costs. Comparable musical instruction would normally cost $1,000 to $1,700 per student for one school year.
  2. Please review Counting the Costs to better understand how our co-op works and what will be expected of your family when you join us.
  3. Once you are ready to participate, create a new account to begin the registration process.
  4. Contact our Registration Coordinator to answer your questions about specific classes and the registration process.

Registration Deadlines

Registration deadlines are not available for the next semester yet, but should be posted in the near future.

We register on a semester basis, with your child remaining in the same class from fall to spring semester, unless their teacher tells you otherwise.

A late fee of $50 will be added to any account not paid in full (or postmarked) by the registration deadline. The account must be paid in full (or payment arrangements made) by the first day of classes or that family will not be allowed to participate in the Co-op that semester.

Late Registration

It's not too late to join us if classes have not begun for the semester. However, if you register after the final registration deadline, you must:

  1. Obtain permission from the teachers of each of your children's classes. Contact the Registration Coordinator for teacher contact information.
  2. Register online, as well as pay your tuition and the late fee, by the first day of classes.
  3. Obtain any supplies and/or music already ordered by the teachers (details available from each teacher).
  4. Attend the MANDATORY parents' meeting, typically held the week before the start of the semester.